Monday, December 30, 2019

Analyzing The View that All Legal Approaches to Reducing...

Analyzing The View that All Legal Approaches to Reducing Inequalities are Fundamentally Flawed In todays society it is assumed that everyone has the right to equal opportunities. These equal opportunities include equal access to public services, to job opportunities and income, the freedom of access and movement, the right to be free from harassment and equal access to means of determining equal access, in other words who gets what, who is excluded and who is not, basically the right to vote. It can be hard to determine what equal is, does it mean we all get the same treatment or at least we should do or is equality associated more with what matches our needs? Its a difficult question to answer, as†¦show more content†¦Disabled people have also experienced inequality in society for centuries; sometimes peoples attitudes have totally dismissed the rights of disabled people, at times to the point at which individuals have decided that those with disabilities are abnormal or a burden on societys resources. As far back as medieval Germany, disabled people were experien cing these unfair attitudes. It was in medieval Germanythat Martin Luther permitted the killing of disabled babies as incarnations of the devil. Centuries later, Hitler attempted to rid Germany of disabled people under his fascist regime; according to him they were imperfections which contaminate the genetic stream. Although society has moved on, we cannot stop these kinds of opinions. One of the most important pieces of disability legislation is the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The act covered physical disabilities, learning difficulties and mental illness. Today, a lot of institutions have been made to make changes in order to accommodate disabled people, disabled toilets, ramps for disabled access, special computer programmes for the blind, deaf, dyslexic, etc. However, not all institutes can afford to make changes unless given government help. OthersShow MoreRelatedTransfer Pricing20501 Words   |  83 Pagesseparate accounting. Interestingly, it provided two more method s – a) empirical method (percentage of turnover for example) b) fractional apportionment under which net business income was determined by various factors. Further, the 1935 model provided for all items of income other than those allocable to specific sources to be grouped together as â€Å"business income† and rendered taxable on a net basis. The 1935 draft was mainly based on the â€Å"Carroll Report† [9] which was compiled based on Carroll s visitRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesMichael Adas for the American Historical Association TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS PHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.—(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographicalRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pages Strategic Marketing Management Dedication This book is dedicated to the authors’ wives – Gillian and Rosie – and to Ben Gilligan for their support while it was being written. Acknowledgements Our thanks go to Janice Nunn for all the effort that she put in to the preparation of the manuscript. 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Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrievalRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesmanagement processes [3.1] 6.5.2 Setting a schedule baseline [8.1.4] Setting a resource schedule Resource leveling 7.2 Setting a cost and time baseline schedule (1.3.5) [8.1.3] Critical chain method Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Reducing Project Duration Leadership Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 1.4.1 Managing the portfolio 1.4.3 Strategy and projects 2.3 Stakeholders and review boards 12.1 RFP’s and vendor selection (.3.4Read MoreMerger and Acquisition: Current Issues115629 Words   |  463 PagesPERFORMANCE OF MUTUAL FUNDS Mergers and Acquisitions Current Issues Edited by GREG N. GREGORIOU and KARYN L. NEUHAUSER Selection and editorial matter  © Greg N. Gregoriou and Karyn L. Neuhauser 2007 Individual chapters  © contributors 2007 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisionsRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesCredits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a r etrieval system, or transmission in anyRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagessources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in anyRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesCorporation/Kendallville Compositor: Newgen–India Printer: Courier Corporation/Kendallville  © 2008, 2005 Duxbury, an imprint of Thomson Brooks/Cole, a part of The Thomson Corporation. Thomson, the Star logo, and Brooks/Cole are trademarks used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution, information storage and retrieval

Sunday, December 22, 2019

My First Poem By Samantha - 871 Words

Throughout Creative Writing, I have worked on countless poems and wrote several pieces of nonfiction and fiction. I have selected five poems along with two pieces of fiction and one piece of nonfiction. My first poem is called Poem I in the Untitled Series by Samantha. I chose to not name my poems because I didn’t want to limit the reader. The first poem is four quatrains and is about fall and winter. I tired to experiment with end rhythm. I decide to follow the rhythm pattern A, B, C, B. It’s a cute poem that is easy to follow and gets the point across. My second poem is called Poem II in the Untitled Series by Samantha. Unlike the first poem this poem is more deep and has a lot of hiding meanings. I tried to write about two horrifying events. One event is about how a woman is being abused my her solider husband. It is told through their daughters eyes. The abuse is being compared to 9/11. Take note on the numbers I use because they have significant reference. There is some rhyme, but I wasn’t focusing on the rhyming, because sometimes I feel like trying to have my poems rhyme it limits me. Also it is written in free verse. My third poem is called Poem III in the Untitled Series by Samantha. This poem is an elegy. I chose to do A,A,BB, CC, DD, EE, and so on as a rhyme. I wanted to take something serious and try to not make it serious. It is kind of an advice poem about college and drinking. I never wrote a poem that rhymes before until this one. I found it ratherShow MoreRelatedLa Vita Nuova; Dantes Definition of True Love Essay1315 Words   |  6 PagesLa Vita Nuova; Dante’s Definition of True Love Liberal Studies 323/ALH3 Art, Literature Humanism Samantha Ritchie 07/15/12 1 La Vita Nuova; Dante’s Definition of True Love La Vita Nuova is a collection of poems by Dante about an unconventional love story. Dante expresses his Love for a woman named Beatrice but his definition of love is not of courtly or romantic love. 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We hear the sounds of the icicles breaking off as the sun begins to change them back to liquid form. The son laughs and breaks one off and touches his lips with it. The poem is full of imaginary that affects our senses of sight, hearing and touchRead M oreAmy Lowell1937 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿Samantha Monnett English 11 Literature of America April 27, 2012 The Life of a So Called Lesbian Amy Lowell was born in Brookline, Massachusetts on February 9, 1874. She was the daughter of Augustus Lowell and Katherine Bigelow Lawrence. Both her mother and father were from New England aristocrats. Aristocrats are wealthy and prominent members of society. Her father, Augustus, was a businessman, civic leader, and horticulturalist. Lowell’s mother, Katherine, was an accomplished musicianRead More Reviving Ophelia Essay example1902 Words   |  8 Pagesfeel that Pipher mainly emphasizes the major problems adolescent girls are now facing, the causes of these problems, and how as a society and individually we can deal and change this reoccurring depressing pattern our teenage girls are following. First, Pipher blames the low self respect of adolescent girls everything from parents to peers, but mainly faults our society as a whole. We are all guilty of getting caught up in the media, television, and magazines. â€Å"Have you seen Rosie? She has lostRead MoreAn Examination of the Music of Garth Brooks Essay2040 Words   |  9 Pagesbeaches of Cheyenne Courtesy of The first verse of the song hints to the listeners that something bad has happened, and really sets the tone for the rest of the song. It also reveals how the woman in the song was reacting to news that has not been revealed to the listener yet. In the second verse of the song, the listener learns that the man was in the rodeo and while in Cheyenne, Wyoming, died riding. In the first chorus of the song, the listener learns of the heart breakRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 PagesCollege; and Stephanie Tucker, California State University Sacramento. Thinking and writing about logical reasoning has been enjoyable for me, but special thanks go to my children, Joshua, 8, and Justine, 3, for comic relief during the months of writing. This book is dedicated to them. For the 2012 edition: This book is dedicated to my wife Hellan whose good advice has improved the book in many ways. vi Table of Contents Preface.............................................................

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The death of life and the end of the world Free Essays

In the span of twelve years, the Macedonian king Alexander the Great conquered a vast empire stretching from Greece to modern day Pakistan, consuming the great Persian empire and absorbing many smaller kingdoms in the process. Alexander was a headstrong, violent, extremely brave, politically cunning, and gifted leader who was loved by his men. Very few individuals throughout history have affected the world to such an extent as he. We will write a custom essay sample on The death of life and the end of the world or any similar topic only for you Order Now This essay will examine the effects of Alexander the Great’s campaigns and explain why they were so influential in shaping western world. The ffects of these campaigns that will be examined are his unification of western civilization and how they changed western culture, his making Greek the common language throughout his empire and the effects of this, and his legacy as a political and military leader and how they have influenced people throughout history. To begin with we will examine the effects of what is considered Alexander’s Greatest accomplishment, the conquest and unification of the western half of the European continent. By conquering and replacing quarrelsome kingdoms with more amicable leaders, Alexander was able to exact an era of peace across his empire. Instead of imposing his own ideas of truth, religion, or behavior upon those he conquered, as long as they willingly kept the supply lines open to feed and equip his troop, he let them practice their native beliefs. This is important because it placated the conquered people, preventing revolt as well as allow for the relatively peaceful flow of culture and philosophy throughout the western continent. Greek however had the strongest influence during this period because of Alexander’s conquest. His empire, at it’s height, which spanned from Greece to modern day Pakistan, was conquered hrough a series of campaigns directly led by himself. Not once was he defeated by an enemy general in his campaigns. The most notable of these was the one against the Persian empire. It is estimated that 50 million people, or approximately 40% of the world’s population, lived in the persian empire at this time. The Persian army was considered the most powerful the world had ever seen. Had Alexander been defeated at the battle of Issus, Granicus or any number of other critical battles during this campaign, it is possible that the Persian thought rather than the Athenian thought would have contributed to western philosophy. Instead, his conquest of Persia and a number of smaller kingdoms allowed for the diffusion of cultures throughout his empire after his death. This diffusion came to be known as the Hellenistic Age, which literally means the dissemination of greek culture. That is because this period was the pinnacle of Greek influence in the ancient world; it was an age where Greeks, Persians and Asiatic cultures became intertwined. This cultural diffusion was so impactful that, even when the Romans came to power centuries later, they still felt the influence of this period. One example can be seen in Roman Greek god’s. This is because as time passed, The Roman’s adopted the Greek god’s, absorbing them into their own pantheons. Another example is the influence of Greek art. Portraits became more realistic, and the use of Greek style portraits continued on into the Parthian period. In essence Alexander’s conquests led to the deep rooting of Greek influence throughout western history. His policies and methods allowed for the diffusion of cultures that can still be felt today. For a time, for better or worse, the Western world became a single place. It was united by a common culture and anguage that left its mark on literature, language, and politics. Another influence that was a direct result of Alexander The Great’s conquest was the diffusion of the Greek language across the continent. As the greek culture diffused throughout the empire so did its language. This allowed Greek to become the â€Å"lingua franca†, or unifying language, of the empire. This is important because it allowed for a vast number of different cultures and people to communicate and understand one another. One effect was the transcribing of various texts into different languages. For example n places like Alexandria, where Jews had stopped speaking Hebrew and had adopted greek as their native language due to Hellinization, Greek translations of the bible appeared. This allowed Jewish theology, the basis of Christianity, to be readily available throughout the empire and to the world. This simple occurrence helped spread the idea of monotheism throughout the world, which had been unheard of until this time. Directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, Alexander’s life provided the catalytic changes which resulted in the end of paganism and the rise of Christianity and Islam. One culture – stopped persian expansion Had Alexander failed at Issus, Granicus, or any number of other critical battles, it is entirely possible that Persians rather than Athenians would have dictated Western thought. Moreover, until his premature death – set up stage for rome The Hellenistic age – which literally means the dissemination of Greek culture although it was in fact a fusion of Greco-Asian cultures – lasted until the final years of the Roman Republic. Nevertheless, the influence of Hellenism on the Romans continued because the Greek gods had over time been absorbed into the Roman pantheon. This lasted until the accession of Roman Emperor Constantine l, who ruled rom AD 306 to 337 and adopted Christianity as the official imperial religion for reasons of political expediency. Though he had conquered Egypt, Alexander was not interested in imposing his own ideas of truth, religion, or behavior upon the people as long as they willingly kept the supply lines open to feed and equip his troops (an important aspect of his ability to rule vast areas which was to be neglected by his successors). *his troops married Persian women to help create one culture allowed for the diffusion of greek andpersion culture. The western world, for better and for worse, became almost a single place, united by common culture that left its mark on language, literature, and politics. Hellinistic period This period was the pinnacle of Greek influence in the ancient world; the Hellenistic period was the time after Alexander’s death when Greeks, Persians and Alexander attempted to merge elements of the Greek and Persian cultures together, â€Å"notably that ofproskynesis, a symbolic kissing of the hand that Persians paid to their social superiors, but a practice of which the Greeks disapproved† In addition he recruited the local peoples into his army, something which created hostility from the Greek and Macedonian soldiers. Greek the lingua franca He had a huge impact on world history spreading the seeds of western culture and philosophy across the world and has legends and stories about him in over 80 languages. The influence on other cultures in the effected areas was profound. In the period after Alexander’s death Judea was annexed by the Ptolemy dynasty, as a result there were Greek government officials and merchants in every Judean village while the region was surrounded by Greek cities. This started to ‘Hellenize’ the Jews, although not to the degree of other peoples. In addition to the previous many Jews were Dispersed’ as in the Hellenistic Kings moved Jewish families across their empires, sometimes by force. Syria had the largest Jewish population caused by emigrants fleeing the crisis-ridden region, with many also moving to the Tigris river cities, Egypt and into Asia Minor. Many eventually took up Greek clothing and learning to speak and write in Greek, even adopting a Greek name (Alexander being popular) in addition to their Hebrew name. This situation continued to the point that many Jews no longer spoke Hebrew, so the â€Å"Jews of Alexandria had begun the translate their own writings into Greek. Most important of all was the Greek translation of the Bible†. The Hellenistic world even had an influence on the spread of Christianity. Saint Paul (ACE 64) was a Jew from the Hellenized city of Tarsus who spoke and wrote in Greek, who upon his conversion to Christianity adopted some Hellenistic elements to the message, making it more palatable to the Greeks and other gentiles. Greek became the lingua franca that allowed mass communication and exchange of ideas. It was in Alexander’s city of Alexandria By Egypt on the offshore island of Pharos, that the first translation of the old testament was made from Hebrew to Greek. Although this translation called, The Septuagint, was made for Jews who had so long resided in foreign land that they could no longer read Hebrew, it made Jewish theology, the basis of Christianity, at once available to the entire world and promulgated the idea of monotheism which had been on the fringe of Greek philosophy since Anaxagoras in the 5th century BCE. Directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally his life was the catalyst which provided the changes which resulted in the end of paganism showed power o f unifying ruler/legacy Moreover, until his premature death, Alexander held in his hands a power than no an, before or since, has known: the power to bring peace and stability to the known world, uniting it under one banner. This notion traveled forward through time, from Greeks to Romans, and from Romans to Europeans. His lessons of organization, acceptance, and political integration have informed the decisions of countless leaders since, His lessons of organization, acceptance, and political integration have informed the decisions of countless leaders since, and, most notably, his image has carried forward through time to become one of the most memorable fgures in history: – d say that Alexander had a part to play in Rome becoming an empire. GJC worshiped Alexander that he even visited his statue. I can definitely see GJC power hunger coming from the accomplishments of Alexander. Lead from the Front: Alexander was admired by his troops. He rode and walked in front of them; he didn’t ride behind them in a golden carriage. He ate the same rations and drank the same amount of water that his troops had. Alexander knew exactly how far and how fast his army could march, and he knew their physical and emotional state before battle. Set up the archetype of heroic ruler charging into battle. How to cite The death of life and the end of the world, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Scarlet Letter free essay sample

The Scarlet Letter was the greatest writing of American Literature of his time and even to this day. His beliefs in this book are based on the ideas of the Romantics. The story of Hester Prynne and her journey, talks about her going against the nature of society and clearly stating that emotion is superior to reason. It is apparent in the novel Hawthorne believed emotion was superior to law, and humans are intrinsically good. The following quotes pulled out of the book, as well as the literary criticisms, all give examples as to why Hawthorne was believed to be a Romantic. [He] experienced a sensation not altogether physical, yet almost so, as of burning heat; and as if the letter was not of red cloth, but of red-hot iron. † Such a description suggests a branding iron, a clear symbol of ownership and power. That literary criticism represents Hester wearing the scarlet colored A on her breast for everyone in town to see. Please come to class with ONLY this completed worksheet. If you bring anything more, such as more notes or an entire essay, it will be confiscated. You must have two examples from the text†ln the form of quotations or paraphrases †for each body paragraph. (If It Is hard for you to come up with four examples of your element or technique, you should choose a second one. ) Remember to analyze and interpret; only briefly restate the story for the purpose of your analysis. Make sure that you also contextualize the quote so that a reader not familiar with the story an understand your essay. Outline: Thesis statement: Topic sentence #1 : (first body paragraph) Quote or paraphrase #1 Quote or paraphrase #2 Lit. element/technique #2: Topic sentence #2: (second body paragraph) Remember to cite the page number at the end of your quotation or paraphrase. If you need more space, you may write on the back of this sheet. You must turn this sheet in along with your essay. Points will be taken off your essay grade if it is not filled out completely.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Presocratic Philosophy free essay sample

Although Aristotle’s statement is too slight to serve as a sure foundation for judgment, it seems more likely that Thales was arguing for the broader presence of life forces in the world than most people imagined, rather than that the real in its totality is alive. Anaximander Thales’ younger contemporary from Miletus, Anaximander, born toward the end of the seventh century B. C. E. , found the explanatory principle of things in what he called ‘‘the apeiron,’’ a word that might be translated as ‘‘the indefinite,’’ ‘‘the boundless,’’ or both.This opens up the possibility that the apeiron is both immeasurably large in its temporal and physical extent and also qualitatively indefinite in that it is without measurable inner boundaries. The apeiron is further described, according to Aristotle, as being ‘‘without beginning,’’ ‘‘surrounding all things,’’ ‘‘steering all things,’’ ‘‘divine,’’ ‘‘immortal,’’ and ‘‘indestructible. ’’ Some have inferred that Anaximander’s barely concealed purpose was Western philosophy’s first attempt at demythologization. We will write a custom essay sample on Presocratic Philosophy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Equally striking is Anaximander’s description of the universe as a closed, concentric system, the outer spheres of which, by their everlasting motion, account for the stability of our earth, a drum-shaped body held everlastingly in a state of equipoise at the center. Whatever the inadequacy in certain details (the stars are placed nearer to the earth than the moon), with Anaximander the science of cosmological speculation took a giant step forward. As far as life on earth is concerned, Anaximander offered another striking hypothesis.The first living things, according to him, were ‘‘born in moisture, enclosed in thorny barks’’ (like sea urchins), and ‘‘as their age increased, they came forth onto the drier part’’ (as phrased by Aetius [first to second century C. E. ]). Pythagoras Although we know that Pythagoras was a historical figure, it is difficult to determine exactly what Pythagoras himself taught. He wrote nothing, and the ideas of other members of the community were attributed to him as a sign of respect and as a way of lending weight to the ideas.Plato and Aristotle rarely assign ideas to Pythagoras himself, although Pythagorean ideas seem to have influenced Plato’s philosophy. Pythagoreans asserted that number is the first principle of all things. They were the first systematic developers of mathematics in the West and discovered that natural events could be described in mathematical terms, especially as ratios. To the Pythagoreans, the â€Å"principle of number† accounted for everything. Number was a real thing. Somehow, numbers existed in space, not just as mental constructs.According to Pythagorean doctrine, the entire universe is an ordered whole consisting of harmonies of contrasting elements. The Greek for â€Å"ordered whole† is cosmos. The Pythagoreans were the first philosophers to use the term cosmos to refer to the universe in this way. The â€Å"celestial music of the spheres† is the hauntingly beautiful phrase the Pythagoreans coined to describe the sound of the heavens as they rotate according to cosmic number and harmony. Xenophanes A fourth Ionian philosopher, Xenophanes of Colophon, born around 580 B. C. E. , s the first we know of to overtly attack the anthropomorphism of popular religious belief, in a series of brilliant reductio ad absurdum arguments. His own view has been understood, ever since Aristotle, as pantheistic. Xenophanes was also the first philosopher we know of to ask what degree of knowledge is attainable. In B34 we read: ‘‘the clear and certain truth no man has seen, nor will there be anyone who knows about the gods and what I say about all things. ’’ Several ancient critics took this to be an indication of Xenophanes’ total scepticism. On this basis of moderate empiricism and scepticism, Xenophanes offered a number of opinions of varying plausibility about the natural world, one of which—a strong, evolutionary interpretation of the discovery on various islands of fossils of marine animals—is enough to constitute a major claim to fame in natural philosophy and ranks with his other significant steps in epistemology (the theory of knowledge dealing with what we know, how we know it, and how reliable our knowledge is), logic (the study of rational inquiry and argumentation), and natural theology (the attempt to understand God from natural knowledge).Heraclitus One of the most important and enigmatic of the Presocratics, Heraclitus (fl . 500 b. c. e. , d. 510–480 b. c. e. ), said that ignorance is bound to result when we try to understand the cosmos when we do not even comprehend the basic structure of the human psyche (soul) and its relationship to the Logos. The complex Greek word logos is intriguing.It could and at times did mean all of the following: â€Å"intelligence,† â€Å"speech,† â€Å"discourse,† â€Å"thought,† â€Å"reason,† â€Å"word,† â€Å"meaning,† â€Å"study of,† â€Å"the record of,† â€Å"the science of,† â€Å"the fundamental principles of,† â€Å"the basic principles and procedures of a particular discipline,† â€Å"those features of a thing that make it intelligible to us,† and â€Å"the rationale for a thing. † The Heraclitean capital L Logos is like God, only without the anthropomorphizing (humanizing) of the earlier philosophers and poets who attributed human qualities to the gods.According to Heraclitus’s imperso nal view of God, the Logos is a process, not an entity. As such, the Logos is unconcerned with individuals and human affairs, in much the same way that gravity affects us but is unconcerned with us. More radically yet, Heraclitus asserted that even though things appear to remain the same, â€Å"Change alone is unchanging. † Traditionally, it has been held that Heraclitus went so far as to claim that everything is always changing all the time. But whether he really meant that everything is always changing, or that individual things are held together by energy (change), remains unclear.Anaximenes Anaximander’s younger contemporary, Anaximenes, who lived during the sixth century B. C. E. appears to revert to a prior and less sophisticated vision in claiming that the earth, far from being a drum-shaped body held in equipoise at the center, is flat and ‘‘rides on,’’ supported by air. The same might be said of his contention that the basic, ‘‘divine’’ principle of things was not some indefinite entity but something very much part of our experience; namely, air.Anaximenes’ view would also no doubt have seemed to be corroborated by the fact that the universe, commonly understood as a living thing and hence needing a soul to vivify it, possessed in air that very ‘‘breath’’ that for most Greeks constituted the essence of such a soul. Parmenides Parmenides of Elea (fift h century b. c. e. ) radically transformed the early philosophers’ interest in cosmology, the study of the universe as a rationally ordered system (cosmos), into ontology, the study of being. By common agreement he was the giant among the pre-Socratics.According to Parmenides, none of his predecessors adequately accounted for the process by which the one basic stuff of the cosmos changes into the many individual things we experience every day. In his search for a solution to the problem of â€Å"the one and the many,† Parmenides turned to a reasoned analysis of the process of change itself. According to Parmenides, all sensations occur in the realm of appearance. This means that reality cannot be apprehended by the senses. Change and variety (the many) are only appearances; they are not real. If this is true, then our most commonly held beliefs about reality are mere opinions. The senses cannot recognize â€Å"what is,† much less can they discover—observe—it, ever. In other words, whatever we see, touch, taste, hear, or smell is not real, does not exist. Perhaps most unsettling of all, Parmenides â€Å"solved† the problem of the appearance of change by concluding—in direct opposition to Heraclitus’s insistence that everything is always changing—that the very concept of change is self-contradictory. What we think of as change is merely an illusion. The logic runs as follows: â€Å"Change† equals transformation into something else.When a thing becomes â€Å"something else,† it becomes what it is not. But since it is impossible for â€Å"nothing† (what is not) to exist, there is no â€Å"nothing† into which the old thing can disappear. (There is no â€Å"no place† for the thing to go into. ) Therefore, change cannot occur. Empedocles posited, against Parmenides, change and plurality as features of reality, but affirmed the eternality of anything that is real; the sphere-like nature of the real when looked at as a totality and the fact that the real is a plenum, containing no ‘‘nothingness’’ or ‘‘emptiness’’.Anaxagoras likewise posited change, plurality, and divisibility as features of reality, yet also affirmed the eternality of the real (understood by him as an eternally existent ‘‘mixture’’ of the ‘‘seeds’’ of the things currently constituting the world, rather than the eternal combinings and recombinings, according to certain ratios of admixture, of four eternally existent ‘‘roots’’ or elemental masses). Leucippus Leucippus of Miletus (c. fi ft h century b. c. e. ) and Democritus of Abdera (c. 460–370 b. . e. ) argued that reality consists entirely of empty space and ultimately simple entities that combine to form objects. T is materialistic view is known as atomism. Leucippus is credited with being the originator of atomism and Democritus with developing it. Rather than reject Parmenides’ assertion that change is an illusion, Leucippus argued that reality consists of many discrete â€Å"ones,† or beings. Zeno Zeno, who was born early in the fifth century B. C. E. , was a friend and pupil of Parmenides.In his famous paradoxes he attempted to show by a series of reductio ad absurdum arguments, of which the best known is perhaps that of Achilles and the tortoise, the self-contradictory consequences of maintaining that there is a real plurality of things or that motion or place are real. The prima facie brilliance of many of the arguments continues to impress people, though it soon becomes clear that the paradoxes turn largely on the failure or unwillingness of Zeno, like so many Pythagoreans of the day, to distinguish between the concepts of physical and geometrical space.Zeno’s way of constructing the problem makes it seem that his primary object is to defame pluralists by attacking the logical possibility of explaining how there can be motion in the world. Gorgias Gorgias has achieved fame for the stress he laid upon the art of persuasion (‘‘rhetoric’’), although whether he wrote the baffling On What Is Not as a serious piece of persuasive reasoning or as some sort of spoof of the Eleatic philosophy of Parmenides and others remains disputed.Its basic, and remarkable, claim is prima facie, that nothing in fact is (exists /is the case [esti] or is knowable or conceivable. Any exiguous plausibility that the arguments supporting this claim possess turns on our overlooking Gorgias’s failure, witting or unwitting, to distinguish carefully between knowing and thinking, along with his various uses of the verb ‘‘to be. ’’ If the failure was witting, the document can be seen as a skillful device for the spotting of fallacies as part of training in rhetoric and basic reasoning.If it was unwitting, Gorgias still emerges as what he was claimed to be—a deft rhetorical wordsmith on any topic proposed to him. Protagoras Perhaps the greatest of the Sophists was Protagoras of Abdera (481– 411 b. c. e. ). Protagoras was an archetypal Sophist: an active traveler and first-rate observer of other cultures who noted that although there are a variety of customs and beliefs, each culture believes unquestioningly that its own ways are right—and roundly condemns (or at least criticizes) views that differ from its own.Based on his observations and travels, Protagoras concluded that morals are nothing more than the social traditions, or mores, of a society or group. The details of Protagoras’s beliefs remain disputed. When he said, for example, that ‘‘anthropos [humanity] is a/the measure for all things, of things that are, that they are, and of things that are not, that they are not,’’ it is unclear whether he is talking about one person or the sum total of persons; about ‘‘a’’ measure or ‘‘the’’ measure (there is no definite article in Greek); or about existence or states of affairs or both.The Platonic reading in the Theaetetus, which takes ‘‘anthropos’’ as generic and ‘‘measure’’ as exclusive, led to the assertion that the logical consequence was total (and absurd) relativism. ______________________________ References: The Columbia History of Western Philosophy. Richard H. Popkin. Columbia University Press. 1999. Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy. 7th ed. Douglas J. Soccio. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 2010.

Monday, November 25, 2019

5 Ways to Tell if Your Company Cares About Work Life Balance

5 Ways to Tell if Your Company Cares About Work Life Balance We all know that to get where we want to be, certain sacrifices are required–especially when we are starting out and getting the engine going in our career. That means late nights, extra hours, and constantly going above and beyond as a matter of expectation. Still, you can be willing to do all of this extra labor with a smile on your face and still want the possibility of a week of working remotely in the summer, or an afternoon off to see your kid’s recital.So when you’re going for the job, here are 5 ways of finding out (without alerting the hiring manager) whether your potential new company prioritizes work life balance.1. Reverse the reference checkThey’re going to be checking up on you, after all. That’s de rigueur.So why not check up on them? Sift through your online network and see if you know anyone (or anyone who knows anyone) who used to work for that company and might be willing to chat with you. Avoid asking them to answer any of your q uestions in writing, but do ask them to be candid. Ask about the culture, the flexibility, the diversity, and what they would have changed if they had the chance.2. Stake it outTry and schedule your interview for super early or late in the day. If it’s 7 a.m. or 7 p.m. and the office is crammed despite being advertised as a 9-5 job, then you have your answer. Not a lot of family dinners appear to be happening. Then, be sure to look for signs of life outside of work: family photos, vacation memorabilia, etc. If you don’t get past the lobby or the boardroom, ask for an office tour. Evidence that families and outside interests are prized in the office is a very good sign.3. Social media stalkingNot the creepy kind, just the quick search. Try to get a sense of different tiers of employees, from executives to interns. Are people complaining? Working all the time? Taking vacations? Do they have families? What sort of press has been generated by the company or its employees?4 . Do your homeworkRead up on other companies also, to get a sense of work-life balance policies in your industry. Try Maybrooks, Glassdoor, or Fairygodboss for starters. If you don’t get this job, or decide you don’t want this job, then you’ll have a good idea of companies you might try next.5. Ask around itDirect questions can raise suspicions about your work ethic or intentions. Save them for after you receive the offer and are negotiating with HR. And, in the interview process, ask questions that might get the answers you want without tipping your hand–questions like what they love about the company that has nothing to do with their direct work, or the type of person who does best in that environment, or even just asking them to describe the company culture. Pay attention to what they’re saying- and what they aren’t saying.If you keep your wits about you, it is possible to glean quite a bit about a company’s particular work-life ba lance- all without damaging your chances of getting the job.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Indians & Indian Policy in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Indians & Indian Policy in the USA - Essay Example According to Philip, in his book on the termination policy, he talks of the effect of the policy on native Indians. This is because the living condition of Indian tribes in reserves was worse and the government had to find a way to change the lives of Indians into normal lives. The termination policy took long to enforce and eventually it gave way to recognition of indigenous Indians as Americans1. One of the people involved in change of policy was the then American President, Harry Truman who wanted Indians to be recognized as Americans. However, this was not the only policy that affected the Indian Americans in the United States since other polices were effected on American Indians. Cynthia Cumfer in her book explains the experiences that the Cherokee and the Tennesseans underwent in the USA. For instance, the refusal by Indians to be civilized led to the white administration colonizing their lands for different uses. During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the government wanted to engage the Indians in a manner that could ensure equal rights were awarded to Indians. According to Jackson, Indians were naturally liberal and that they could not be considered as primitive and uncivilized. This is because he thought that if Indians could be taught on civilization then they would enjoy equal rights and privileges as the white Americans2. As a result, the government saw the need for integration of the Indians into main stream American societies. This policy ensured that economic equality and education handed to the Indians at the expense of Indian traditions and culture3.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Childrens creativity with language takes different forms and is Essay

Childrens creativity with language takes different forms and is expressed in various ways - Essay Example The contextual part of the language factors in the interpersonal contexts and the sociohistorical contexts. Critically the art of language refers to the ability of the linguistic creativity to wrap in all kinds of critical and evaluative positions that are visible in the use of language. Subject to the findings of the contemporary researchers in applied linguistics, creativity of the language is not limited to the linguistically skilled writers and speakers, media professionals and literary authors but also a pervasive feature of utilization of the language. Carter (102) focuses on the poetic forms in everyday discourse where rhyme, metaphor, word play and other figures of speech are used in the manipulation of the linguistic form. Styles like repetition are incorporated in the language to reflect what the speakers echo and demonstrate the seriousness of the information even though at times it might not be in accordance to the linguistic form. Another aspect of the language that is used creatively is the innovative creation of dialogue in narrative where the story is converted into drama. At the same both the children’s and adults preoccupation with imaginary or fictional worlds is elaborated using the creativity of language. In essence everyday conversation offers the source for strategies that are later on taken up by others and they include literary genres. According to Carter (105), creativity is a matter of degree that exists together with a series of clines in most of the literary texts on a daily basis unlike the discrete sets of features that are related to the specific registers. In this particular case the term literariness encompasses the clinal nature of creativity. On the other hand the lang uage play is referred to as opposed to the literariness and the two terms have got different intellectual starting points and purposes. For instance Carter dwells on broadening the frame of literariness to involve everyday linguistic practices whereas the other theory focuses on language play in the general terms of play and later on expands this to high culture practices like ceremony and literature. In the long run most of the linguists seem to agree on most of the issues emerging in the language and have a common stand. At the end, the policy and practice in several areas like education are affected due to the pervasiveness of language creativity. There is a conspicuous gap between the linguistic world of young children and the lack of playful use of language in educational materials like reading schemes. As a result most of the modern orthodoxies in communicative and task based approaches to the teaching of the language have not factored in the potential of language play. On the contrary the researchers suggest that the inclusion of a play element in the teaching of the language could be very vital as it would enhance the learning of the language. An example of this is where the importance of an effective dimension in learning, proficiency and value of play in linguistic form due to the acquisition of the second language (Carter, 110). In addition the pervasiveness of creativity across communicative practices leads to broader theoretical challenges to the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Harley-Davidsons strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Harley-Davidsons strategy - Essay Example This paper analyses the strategies which helped this company to establish strong reputation in international market. â€Å"Our vision is to fulfil dreams by providing extraordinary motorcycles and customer experiences, and by fuelling the passion for freedom in our customers† (Harley-Davidson India). In other words, Harley-Davidson is capable of delivering more than its customers’ expectations. While most of the companies promise more and deliver less, Harley-Davidson promises less and delivers more. This strategy helps the company to enhance its corporate image immensely. Harley-Davidson is considering its customers as the most important elements in its business. Customers are getting high quality services before and the after the purchase of Harley-Davidson motor bikes. The company knows very well that the existing customers are as important as the new customers. Harley-Davidson’s mission statement says that; â€Å"we ride with our customers and apply this deep connection in every market we serve to create superior value for all of our stakeholders† (HD Values). Harley-Davidson Company is providing individualized services to the customers. In other words, customers of Harley-Davidson have the luxury to get their motorbike after the customization process. The company is ready to do a lot of customization on its bike based on the demands of the individual customers. No other motorcycle manufactures are ready to do so. This strategy is helping the company to satisfy the customer needs in a better manner. Harley-Davidson is keen in improving company’s reputation with the help of the observance of some of the key values. Some of the core values, followed in the company’s dealings are; tell the truth, be fair, keep the promises, respect the individual and encourage the intellectual curiosity (HD Values). Unlike many other companies, Harley-Davidson is keen in telling the truth to all its customers

Friday, November 15, 2019

Threats to Prosperity and Stability of Developed Countries

Threats to Prosperity and Stability of Developed Countries Adrian Ma Over the past few decades many developed countries have taken the wrong steps to maintain peace with foreign states and have substantially increased the size of their government. Consequently, it becomes detrimental to any countries’ prosperity and stability; economic freedom is proportionate to size of government and war always affects the civil and moral progression of a society. When a government ignores the notion that â€Å"the individual† is the basic unit of social analysis, then the citizens cannot live life to their fullest potential. The problem perpetuates as more and more youth are becoming liberal because they are also becoming more liberal than the previous generation. The ongoing growing concept of liberalism is determining a lot of age groups to openly seek out help from the government and this strips away the dignity of each individual entailing rights and responsibility. According to an article, the average annual income per household in 2007 was appro ximately 53,000 and in 2013 it dropped to 48,000(Economist’s). The percentage of extra income the average person makes also made a noticeable drop from 5 to 4 percent meaning that it would take 5 extra years for them to double their income. This is an indicator that societies’ focus has transitioned from setting goals and seeking out to excel in certain areas to getting paid to support their financial situations, simply because of the expectation that the government is going to solve their problems. Individuals are the root of any prospering and stable economy, not the government. One top of government programs killing individualism, they also destroy millions of jobs. If citizens are constantly required to pay more and more taxes every year for government programs, not only will their financial situations get worse but competition will drastically decline as well. At the time government wasn’t involved in healthcare, it was cheap because private sectors fought to keep their businesses alive by competing with others and that factored in by lowering prices. All of these amazing â€Å"benefits† that the government forces insurance companies to provide us must be paid for by somebody and it’s those of us who aren’t in any allocations, work for the government, or have lobbyists to get us exemptions. Let’s look at Obamacare; there are so many faults because it tries to make every person happy. It centralizes on ensuring that people are covered rather than addressing the cost of care in the first place. It doesn’t benefit th e youth because they tend to be healthier and they don’t need as much coverage as the older age groups. It also increases the cost of everyone’s insurances because insurance companies are required to cover sick individuals. Healthcare in 2002 for a family of 4 cost approximately 9,235 dollars per year and after the government got involved it rose to a staggering $20,728 in 2012 (Milliman Medical Index). Another problem with government expansion is that it causes inflation; the increased debt ceiling from overspending and the Federal Reserve is just a cataclysmic combination for stability. Here’s the dilemma, whenever the government needs money instead of issuing their own notes backed back their own credit they issue treasury bonds, then they sell these bonds to the Federal Reserve which buys them with money they created out of thin air. The money that the Federal Reserve creates later goes to the government meaning it has to pay interest on the money the Federal Reserve lends to the treasury. This means that there will never be enough money in circulation to pay off the debt. The liquidation of debt is what makes an economy prosper and stabilize. Looking back at how the depression ended, a number of people believed the gold standard was the gold standard but they were mistaken, the countries that were able to liquidate their debt first got out of it. After World War 2, the g overnment cut 60% of the budget, 30% on tax rates, and around 9 million military personnel came home causing all the bad debt to be liquidated, hence, ending the depression. The constant printing of money may have bailed out major corporations during the depression but the problem originated from a governments belief that they can run the economy. The price stability reduces and a side function of an unstable dollar is the large swing in consumer prices. Another issue that developed countries overlook is the importance of economic freedom, it is more than just the freedom to buy and sell products and services. It allows us to be free in our interactions with other people. It also empowers people to travel, to say what they want to say, and to do what they want to do. It is about being free to make our own choices. A lot of those things are positive indicators of a healthy country and for a government to interfere may form impairment. Based on facts, the more economic freedom country has indicates that everyone is better off. The economic freedom of North America Index indicate that states with more economic freedom have higher growth rates of the economy, 4.6% GDP in the 25 least free states and 5.5% in the 25 most free states; lower unemployment rates, 5.5% in the 25 least free labor markets and 4.9% in the most free labor markets; less debt per GDP than states that are less free, 16.2% in the 25 states with least tax freedom and 15 .7% in the 25 states with the most tax freedom (2000-2009, LearnLiberty). All of these things people associate with economy health are also associated with economic freedom, and the same phenomenon also occurs with the countries of the world. The most economically free countries have GDP’s per capita that are about 10 times the size of less economically free countries. Some of the counter arguments I’ve encountered is that the GDP per capita only measures average income but it is untrue. It’s possible to have a country with a small number of elite rich people and a large number of destitute people, and if people examine inequality measures what they should see is that the countries that are more economically free also have more equitable income distributions. Economic freedom is not only associated with higher income levels on average but it is also associated with more equitable income distribution. Skeptics have argued that economic freedom achieves economic i ncome because of exploitation, people and the environment. Based on the data, they are wrong. On average women in more economically free countries have more gender equality and child rates tend to be a lot lower. Some may say that child labor rates are lower in economically free countries because they are more prosperous and can import from but they are also mistaken. The same phenomenon occurs even amongst the poorest countries; the least free poor nations have 40% child labor rates and the freest poor nations have 37% child labor rates (2000-2009). The biggest threat to the prosperity and stability of any developed country is war and the longer it is the more it will cost. An administrator in the Bush Administration told American taxpayers in a hearing before the Iraq War that it would only cost 1.7 billion dollars. According to numerous sources, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will now cost taxpayers roughly 5 trillion dollars, and that isn’t even taking into account the long-term medical care and disability compensation for service members, veterans and families; military replenishment and social and economic costs; expensive repairs to a force depleted by just perpetual fighting. More problems arise with government healthcare because the government owes it to them for fighting their wars. In the United States alone, a quarter of a million troops have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI) putting a bigger toll on the government healthcare system. Even the war on drugs also threatens the stability and prosperity of a country but that’s another issue. Governments should learn to take care of their own people before trying to solve other people’s problems. Our ability to cooperate, to help each other out develops when there is no conflict and when individuals have a smaller reliance on government. They recognize themselves in each other and are programmed for compassion. All of those things make them stronger, faster, and smarter. It relates to why communism doesn’t work as well as it should because human beings are biologically engineered to be competitive in nature and freedom drives then to work harder for success. If a government takes away our rewards and shares it with others then a specific majority will feel less rewarded, thus, competition and innovation is automatically promoted by limiting the government’s role in an economy. In a free economy, people will constantly find ways to create and offer better values to customers than their rival firms. Competitors that do well focus on reality, inventions, innovations, and methods opposed to rivals per se. Citizens are given more of an inclination to be independent, unconventional, and rebellious towards societies’ opinions and norms. It is no wonder why most of the greatest discoveries came from the countries that are the most free. Works Cited Dominguez, J. (1995). The Caribbean in a new international context: Are freedom and peace a  threat to its prosperity? New Dynamics in Trade and Political Economy. Miami: North-South Center, University of Miami, 1-23. Picciotto, R., Weaving, R. (Eds.). (2013).Security and development: investing in peace and   prosperity. Routledge. Meltzer, A. H. (2010).A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 2. University of Chicago Press. Berger, A. N., Hannan, T. H. (1988).The price-concentration relationship in banking(No. 23). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US). Dincecco, M. (2009). Fiscal centralization, limited government, and public revenues in  Europe, 1650–1913.The Journal of Economic History,69(01), 48-103. Paul, R. (2008).The Revolution: A Manifesto. Hachette Digital, Inc.. Davies, Antony. Learn Liberty.Learn Liberty. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2014.>.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Stars Over Time :: essays research papers

Stars over Time A star is a self-luminous ball of gas bound by gravity into a single object and powered by nuclear fusion at the core. There are trillions and trillions of stars in our universe and all are different and unique. There are many stages of stars life including main sequence stars, red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. All stars also have many more variations in each stage of life. The life of a star begins in a nebula, a great collection of gas and dust. Once enough mass has accumulated into a single object, gravity forces the mass to collapse into the center. Due to pressure and friction, the core gets so hot that it begins nuclear fusion and a protostar is made. The age and the mass of stars tell every thing about a stars physical properties and placement into each of the categories. The Hertzsprung - Russell diagram (HR Diagram) graphs stars luminosities over the stars spectral class. Luminosity describes how bright the star is (I, II, III, IV, V); spectral class describes its temperature (O, B, A, F, G, K, M). This graph is the best way to categorize stars. 1. Main Sequence Stars. Once the protostar has stopped the nuclear reactions, it begins to burn up its hydrogen core. This is when it becomes a Main Sequence Star. Main Sequence stars are split into two types: Upper Main Sequence and Lower Main Sequence. They both have luminosity class V. The only difference is how massive each star is. Our sun is a lower main sequence star. The hydrogen in an average star, like the sun, burns for about ten billion years. Upper Main Sequence stars are the hottest and brightest of all Main Sequence stars. They burn hydrogen by using the CNO Cycle, where carbon is fused with hydrogen to get nitrogen, and helium. Lower Main Sequence stars use the Proton-Proton Chain, where hydrogen is fused together to form helium. Both have three layers: a thermonuclear core, a radiative zone, and a convective zone. Upper Main Sequences stars are layered from the center core, to the convective zone, to the radiative zone. Lower Main Sequence stars have the convective a nd radiative zones flipped. 2. Red Giants. Once the hydrogen supply runs out, the core begins to collapse. During this time the core gets so hot, it begins to burn up the helium filled core into carbon.