Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Eyes And Touched The Crescent Moonstone Of Her...

Britta closed her eyes and touched the crescent moonstone of her necklace. The usual disorientation when entering a memory enveloped her but quickly faded. She opened her eyes, and her surroundings appeared as they had before. But now she was alone. At first, doubt clouded her thoughts. In the few times has used the necklace with Gall’s supervision, she discovered that the memory world using it seemed more vivid and crisp than when using her innate abilities. But not by much. How different would the memory appear if it was old? She had to leave that question for another time, for the memory residual she was in was still potent, being only from the night before. Footsteps approach from behind. She quickly slipped into the shadows cast by the stairs. A figure rushed past. Dressed in a gray robe, a young girl with straw-colored hair stopped and turned to look back the way she came. A dark figure glided down the steps holding a sword with a blade that glimmered in a translucent fashion. A wave of fear and nausea coursed through Britta. She started to reach for the necklace to break the connection. A shout echoed down the stairs, â€Å"Drakar! Leave her to me.† He sheathed his weapon and turned away. Nausea and fear subsided. Another figure came into view, dressed in black. Faline, appearing as she had in Gall’s memory, descended the stairs, a crooked smile on her face. The girl raised her arms to defend herself, but Faline extended an arm, and the girl clutched at own her throat,

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